meet ochre.

ochre is an interior and exterior landscape design studio based in los angeles.

we collaborate with people like you — homeowners, apartment dwellers, event organizers, designers, architects, business owners and bad plant parents. we know your aesthetic, lifestyle and budget are uniquely yours. we’ll work with you to bring your vision to life and keep it alive.

let’s talk plants.


we offer interior and exterior landscape and plant design services for residential and commercial spaces around los angeles - apartments, homes, offices, small to large businesses, and events.

we’re deeply committed to achieving your vision while staying true to the native landscape, respecting the environment, and ensuring the crews we collaborate with are fairly compensated.


meet the people behind ochre - cristina lucas and allen vo.


when we met in 2016 at a corporate job, we shared a passion for sustainability, the environment, good food, dogs, and, of course, plants. we regularly shared ideas on where to buy pots, which plants can handle low light, and how to get rid of pests. our coworkers started asking us for ideas, too. we became the weird plant people at the office and decided to turn it into a business.

today, what began as a business focused largely on helping people deck out their interior spaces with plants and trees has evolved into a landscape design studio that keeps us outside and in the dirt most of the time. we create gardens and outdoor spaces that prioritize what’s native and climate appropriate while being responsive to our clients’ needs – because we believe there is always a way and those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

our journey with ochre is constantly evolving and growing. when it comes to working with nature and the crews we collaborate with, we’re always humbled and learning, which is why we love what we do. we wouldn’t be here today without the mentorship and support of several exceptionally talented and kind landscape architects, designers, and contractors – you know who you are. we are forever grateful.

Theodore Payne California Native Plant Landscaper certified

let’s talk plants.
email, call, text, or submit the form. / 818 259 3704
los angeles, california