This big-hearted family, nestled in a quiet cul de sac in Encino, was eager for an update that felt like a true transformation. Budget was limited and space was tight, so the design process involved constant iteration on priorities. Ultimately, we opted for the elements that made the space feel as warm, inviting, and organic as possible for humans and creatures alike, knowing the goal was equal parts outdoor living room and equal parts garden.

We reimagined the size and shape of the existing deck, removing half the square footage in order to regain in-ground planting space spanning both sides of the yard. The only ask was enough deck space for a 6-person dining table and two bbqs side by side. Using chunky pieces of warm-toned Arizona sandstone (known as buckskin), we weaved an organic pathway from garden to deck to garden, wandering through a mix of white guara, Penstemon Margarita Bop, coastal rosemary, white sage, foothill sedge, and Erigeron karvinskianus. We also removed all artificial turf, poetically reclaiming the 195 sqft patch with a custom veggie bed constructed from redwood; an olive tree; bay laurel; mexican bush sage; salvia bee's bliss; festuca mairei; and agave blue glow.

The top tier of the garden, retained by a wall that in a few seasons would be covered by passion fruit, nearly doubled the planting space and created an ideal setup for adding depth and dimension to the long, narrow yard. Building upon the palette resting below, we mixed in echium, salvia clevelandii, jerusalem sage, ceanothus, matilija poppies, and agave attenuata. In the shaded part, under the canopy of a mature citrus tree, we planted an aromatic mix of Lepechinia fragrans and hummingbird sage. Last, a fresh layer of mulch, the best smelling day on the job.

When we stopped by in the fall, their cat was purring in his favorite spot, among the festuca. Our client was working at her new outdoor dining table, a reclaimed vintage set freshly powder coated in a striking sage green, admiring her garden, pointing out a hummingbird and all the new blooms that had sprung over the past few days. For humans and creatures alike…

A huge thank you and hug to Jessica, an extremely thoughtful and talented designer in her own right, for trusting us the whole way and treating our team like family. Our impromptu chats about life and the wisdom you shared about your own journey are with me always.

And, much, much gratitude to Darwin, Miguel, Antonio, and Jorge of Roldan Brothers Landscaping. From your craftsmanship on the deck to your persistence on some impossible stumps, and everything in between, thank you for all your hard work at the heart of summer. Sharing ice cold cokes under the fondly named lollipop tree was a highlight.



